Why should my toddler be involved in the EDGE Pre-School Program?
The foundation of any pre-school activity should be the development of gross motor skills. As many scientific studies have shown, gross motor skill development will transfer into an increase in all other areas of development. At EDGE Gymnastics, we pride ourselves in our ability to research and study the most up-to-date knowledge of child development and implement that knowledge into our weekly lesson plans. Our trained staff will guide you and your child through the fundamental steps of motor skill education. In a short period of time, your child will accelerate their gross motor skill development and start them on a path that could lead them to the head of their class.
A pre-school gymnastics class should be fun and stimulating. At EDGE Gymanstics our goal is to make our classes the highlight of your child's week. Every class will be an adventure in fun with creative themes, unique lesson plans, challenging curriculum, loads of age appropriate equipment and an extremely energetic staff.
A pre-school curriculum should be soundly based in progressive learning. Edge Gymnastics has carefully crafted a program, guided by over 20 years of coaching experience, that will lead your child to the cutting edge of motor skill development. Each skill has been broken down into age appropriate learning stages and thoses steps were refined and tested to produce the fastest learning curve. Our one-of-a-kind program had produced award winning gymnasts and numerous star athletes in other sports.

EDGE National Team Qualifiers
Under the direction of Coaches John & Gerri Laudie, EDGE has sent numerous gymnasts to Level 9 Western Nationals and Level 10 Junior Olympic Nationals Qualifiers and Champions
We are very proud of the hard work and dedication that these young athletes put into achieving such a highly respectable honor. We are also very thankful to their families and the sacrifices they make to help their daughters achieve their goals.
Lisa Moats Level 9 Western Nationals
Chelsi Wong Level 9 Western Nationals
Nicole Manning Level 9 Western Nationals
Kaitlyn Weber Level 9 Western Nationals
Delaney Weaver Level 9 Western Nationals
Lexi Berry Level 9 Western Nationals
Paige Jones Level 9 Western Nationals
Mattey Weaver Level 9 Western Nationals 2017
CaMarah Williams Level 9 Western Nationals 2017
Jaxon Clapper Level 9 Mens Nationals 2017
CaMarah Williams Level 9 Western Nationals 2018
Jaxon Clapper Level 9 Mens Nationals 2018
Reese Clapper Level 9 Western Nationals 2022
Laura Anson Level 10 JO Nationals
Janet Anson Level 10 JO Nationals
Bryanna Wong Level 10 JO Nationals
Lauren Stephenson Level 10 JO Nationals
Kristen Meyers Level 10 JO Nationals
Kaylee Meyers Level 10 JO Nationals
Bailey McIntire Level 10 JO Nationals
Allie Salas Level 10 JO Nationals
Michaelee Turner Level 10 JO Nationals
CaMarah Williams Level 10 JO Nationals 18, 20, 21, 22, 23
Jaxon Clapper Level 10 JO Nationals 2021, 2022
Mason Smith Level 10 JO Nationals 2022